A Cyber Security Management System (CSMS) will be mandatory for vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers. The relevant laws and standards, such as UNECE WP.29 for CSMS and ISO 21434 for Cyber Security Engineering, have been published. We reported on them in our articles. But the introduction of a CSMS is not only of high relevance for OEMs at present. Cyber Security is a highly explosive topic across all industries and affects almost every company. A few days ago, the digitalisation bonus plus, which was launched by the Ministry of Economics in cooperation with the L-Bank, was activated for application. We have checked whether our services can be funded when linked with the introduction of a Cyber Security Management System and the answer is Yes! Our magility experts will be happy to support you in the implementation of a CSMS. You can stay focused on the progress of your business while we ensure that your company remains secure in the future. Take advantage of this opportunity now to implement a CSMS in your company and get back a substantial part of your investment with the digitalisation bonus plus subsidy option, or take advantage of the loan option.
Conditions, eligibility and applications
Projects with a cost volume between 10,000 and 200,000 Euro are supported. More details on the digitalisation bonus plus with all the necessary information, conditions and applications can be found here.
Particular relevance
Especially in a highly networked industry such as the mobility industry, Cyber Security must be planned along the entire product life cycle and the entire value chain.
magility implementing CSMS
A Cyber Security Management System creates the necessary awareness for Cyber Security in your organisation and helps you to protect yourself against attacks by defining roles, responsibilities and countermeasures. Our CSMS also includes qualification and training of employees as well as constant monitoring of your security activities.
Our magility CSMS presentation is attached. We will be happy to answer your questions on this topic and will send you an offer individually tailored to your company on request. Do not hesitate and contact us now.