Deutsche Wissenschaftler haben herausgefunden, dass zwei Dutzend Fahrzeuge mit Keyless-Go Systemen gefährdet sind für Cyber Angriffe indem das Radio Signal abgefangen werden kann und genutzt wird um das Auto zu stehlen.

On the heels of the federal government’s warning about automotive cybersecurity vulnerabilities, a group of German vehicle security researchers has released a study showing many wireless key entry systems are vulnerable to hacking.

Munich-based ADAC (Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil-Club) performed the study on dozens of cars to test a radio „amplification attack“ that extends the range of a driver’s wireless key fobs to open cars and even start their ignitions.

The researchers claimed 24 different vehicles from 19 manufacturers are vulnerable. The vulnerability allows cars to be unlocked and started but leaves no trace of the hack.

All that is needed to unlock and start a vehicle is commercially available wireless technology and the „technical knowledge of electronics or apprentices from the electrical engineering undergraduate studies,“ the articlein WirtschaftsWoche, a German business magazine, stated.

The researchers discovered that the radio connection between wireless key entry systems and the car can easily be extended over several hundred meters. This is regardless of whether the original key is, for example, at the owner’s home or pocket.

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